This time you’re a motocross champion, participating in a reality game show called Terror Is Reality to earn money for Zombrex to sustain Chucks zombie infected daughter. Dead Rising featured a photojournalist who is out for the big scoop. The games combo-mechanic is what really separates the gameplay from the first game. As you progress through the Fortune City casinos and shops, you’ll gain experience (called Prestige Points or PP) by rescuing survivors, defeating crazies, and using combined weapons to take out those pesky zombies. If you played the prequel DLC, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero then you started the full game with a slightly higher level Chuck (up to level 5), and a bit more life/inventory slots reflects your level. Like the first game you start with a few inventory slots, and life that matches a low-level RPG character. Oh, did I mention he only has three days before the military shows up to evacuate them?

He spends the game searching for survivors, taking down psychopaths, and working to find the truth behind the outbreak to clear his name. He’s now hiding out with his daughter in a safe house after being accused of setting the zombies loose. We’re now following antagonist Chuck Greene of motocross fame after someone let loose a stock of zombies that are normally used in a reality show called Terror Is Reality. More importantly, you get to play this title drop-in/drop-out 2 player co-op. First, the antagonist has the ability to combine weapons in amazing ways instead of taking pictures.

Dead Rising 2 has a few new elements that were not in the first game. Fortune City Nevada to be exact, and the slots are hot.

Sometime after the outbreak in Willamette County Colorado, Dead Rising 2 brings the fight to the Desert.